#MAJIDUN----- selfishness at it peak

Just like other ghettoes within our dear country, life over here (Majidun) is full of all sorts of unencourage attitude and illicit act.
We've been painted black in the media's contents through the freelancers and the journalists of the crime committed by a few. Just of recent, a woman at Ayegbajeje tried to pull down some part of a wall (in front of her shop) used in supporting a four upright pillar to lift a two heavy Geepee tank built (bore hole) for the usefulness of the community, under the administration of the late Honourable Idowu Aro Felix. She destroyed a part of the bore-hole's wall for a reason best known to her, while a concern awared Majidian posted it on this same platform.
Not excluding me, we to do things with the mind set that, after all i have just a limited time to spend here in Majidun, neglecting fact that where we started matter a lot.

source: ogochuckwu austin


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