“Before You Condemn Buhari And Praise Goodluck Jonathan Concerning Fuel Scarcity, See This”


One of the major problems wrong with Nigerians is that we forget easily.
This is the reason why hardened criminals and looters in the past can easily come back and contest for public office to the extent of winning. It is so sad that some people, mostly youths who are the leaders of tomorrow are going about with the slogan “#BringBackOurCorruption”.
They say they want the last administration presided by Good luck Ebele Jonathan back in power cos they can’t stand the current fuel scarcity amidst other challenges that I believe the Nation will breeze through in due time.
This brainwashed blind bats who love to view things ethnically are quick to forget that the fuel scarcity experienced towards the end of the last administration’s tenure was really unbearable compared to what we are currently facing now. Then, major sectors were shutting down, from telecommunications to the media, from aviation to banking.
Nigerians were literally cut off from the rest of the world during that period. A period in which getting a bus to the bank to withdraw money was difficult cos buses had no fuel. When you manage to get to the bank, you are told you arrived late cos they close early due to shortage of diesel. Was the power sector any different?
Take a look at the pictures of fuel scarcity events that took place in the last administration below and tell me that Nigerians didn’t make a good choice in voting them out.
That of Buhari is noe even close to what we experienced during the Era of Goodluck Jonathan. | See some top companies complaining during GEJ’s regime.
Beat FM
Arik Air
- See more at: http://www.sensernation.blogspot.com 
