Biafra mirage

"There is something I find profoundly amusing
about the reasoning of those Biafra agitators:
they scream Igbo self-determination but
cannot countenance the progress of a Deltan
Igbo because he is considered not Igbo
enough in the Igbo cultural stratification.
During the election campaign, I was always
befuddled at how they were hoodwinked with
a promise of the second Niger bridge by
Jonathan. Since the proposed second Niger
bridge is going to link their Biafra with other
parts of the Nigerian zoo, thus furthering
Biafra-Nigerian integration, why would a
Biafra agitator support a bridge that further
the cause of Nigerian integration at the
expense of Biafran consolidation? I expect
them to even call for the dismantling of the
existing first Niger bridge because any link to
the discredited Nigerian zoo is detrimental to
Biafran interest. You can deduce one thing
from the above contradictions: those Biafran
loonies are unserious and insincere to a
degree exceeding lunacy. I am not perturbed
by all these, knowing full well that they
represent a disgruntled minority of the
Nigerian Igbo population, because serious and
sincere Igbos, like all other Nigerians, are busy
building bridges and realizing their legitimate
